Wednesday, November 1, 2023

BSC #6 Anything Goes with Topaz & Turquoise Colors + BSC #5 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everyone and welcome back to Birthstone Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We loved seeing your colorful projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is

And our TOP PICKS are
#4 Meg
#5 Liz Cavill
#6 Lorraine Lowe

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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Before we get to the challenge details, we wanted to let you know that we're going to shake things up a bit in 2024! We've been playing straight 'Anything Goes with the Featured Birthstone Colors' since we started this new challenge in January. The birthstone colors don't change and we don't want anybody to get bored, so we're adding an optional theme to each challenge beginning in January 2024! Be sure to see 'Upcoming 2024 Challenges' over on the right sidebar for more info!

Okay, back to this month's challenge! The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Topaz & Turquoise. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls

Friday, September 1, 2023

BSC #5 Anything Goes with Sapphire & Opal Colors + BSC #4 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everyone and welcome back to Birthstone Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We loved seeing your colorful projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#20 Chris

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Liz Cavill
#15 elizabeth h

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Sapphire & Opal. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls

Saturday, July 1, 2023

BSC #4 Anything Goes with Ruby & Peridot Colors + BSC #3 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everyone and welcome back to Birthstone Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our last challenge! We loved seeing your colorful projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#2 MeSi

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Pam's Pearls
#4 Aimeslee
#6 Barbara G.

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Ruby & Peridot. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls

Monday, May 1, 2023

BSC #3 Anything Goes with Emerald & Pearl Colors + BSC #2 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everyone and welcome back to Birthstone Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our very first challenge! We loved seeing your colorful projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#2 pinky

And our TOP PICKS are
#1 Liz Cavill
#10 Becca S
#14 Chris

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Emerald & Pearl. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

BSC #2 Anything Goes with Aquamarine & Diamond Colors + BSC #1 Winner & Top Picks

Hi everyone and welcome back to Birthstone Challenges! Thanks to everyone who played in our first challenge! We loved seeing your colorful projects and really appreciate your support! So now let's announce our winner and top picks!

Our randomly chosen WINNER is
#23 Hansi Brittain

And our TOP PICKS are
#4 Donna W. 1
#18 Alice
#43 Pauline C
#46 pinky

Congratulations, everyone! Please grab your badge above and proudly display it on your blog!

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The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Aquamarine & Diamond. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls

Sunday, January 1, 2023

BSC #1 Anything Goes with Garnet & Amethyst Colors

Hi everyone and welcome to Birthstone Challenges! Happy New Year to you all - wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023! This is our very first challenge and we're super stoked that you're here to play! Please grab our badge from the page above and help us spread the stone love! Also, we still have room for another designer on our team! If interested, reach out to us for more info by clicking on Contact under our list of Pages over on the right sidebar! 

The featured birthstone colors in this challenge are Garnet & Amethyst. Our theme is always anything goes with the featured birthstone colors, and you may use one or both of these colors in your project. Just remember, the color(s) you choose should be prominent on your project.

And now for some awesome inspiration...

Be sure to read our Playing Guidelines above and check out the challenges going on at our sister challenge blogs! 

This challenge will run for six weeks, ending at 4:00 PM Mountain Time on the 15th of next month, so dig into your stash and create with us! 

The Stone Girls